星期五, 10月 24, 2014

熱血的Nike (耐吉) 2014 勵志廣告 (中文字幕)


“Is this all you got ? Are you sure ?”,片中問了觀眾這樣一個問題。
這個問題震撼了小弟我。其實大部份的時候,不管是在運動,工作,或日常生活,我的答案往往是:”I am not sure."

片子的旁白寫得非常好,幾乎像一首詩。所以小弟花了一點時間,將旁白翻譯出來,給各位讀者參考,Rise and Shine !


Rise and shine

It’s 6am and your hand can’t make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling you that it’s too early, too dark, and too cold to get out of a bed.
Aching muscles lie still in rebellion, pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move
A legion of voices are shouting their unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dreamland, 
but you didn’t ask their opinion.

The voice you’ve chosen to listen to is one of defiance.
A voice that’s says there was a reason you set that alarm in the first place. 

So sit up, put your feet on the floor, and don’t look back because we’ve got work to do.

Welcome to The Grind.

For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way,
10,000 streams fan out like a river delta before you, Each one promising the path of least resistance.
Thing is, you’re headed upstream
And when you make that choice, when you decide to turn your back on what’s comfortable and what’s safe and what some would call “common sense,” well that’s day one.
From there it only gets tougher.
So just make sure this is something you want.
Because the easy way out will always be there, ready to wash you away, all you have to do is pick up your feet.
But you aren’t going to, are you?

With each step comes the decision to take another
You’re on your way now

But this is no time to dwell on how far you’ve come.
You’re in a fight against an opponent you can’t see
But oh you can feel him on your heels can’t you?
Feel him breathing down your neck
You know what that is?
That’s you…

Your fears, your doubts and insecurities all lined up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out of the sky
But don’t lose heart
While they aren’t easily defeated, they are far from invincible

Remember this is The Grind

The Battle Royale between you and your mind, your body and the devil on your shoulder who’s telling you that this is just a game, this is just a waste of time, your opponents are stronger than you.
Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat
Burn away your self doubt with the fire that’s beneath you
Remember what we’re fighting for

And never forget that momentum is a cruel mistress
She can turn on a dime with the smallest mistake.
She is ever searching for that weak place in your armor
That one tiny thing you forgot to prepare for

So as long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains, “Is that all you got?” “Are you sure?”
And when the answer is “yes.” That you’ve done all you can to prepare yourself for battle
THEN it’s time to go forth and boldly face your enemy, the enemy within

Only now you must take that fight into the open, into hostile territory
You’re a lion in a field of lions
All hunting the same elusive prey with a desperate starvation that says VICTORY is the only thing that can keep you alive

So believe that voice that says
“you CAN run a little faster” and that
“you CAN throw a little harder” and that
“you CAN dive a little deeper” and that,
for you, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion.

So rise and shine.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe that winning can happen by accident.
Sweat, on the other hand, is for those who know it’s a choice.

So decide now because destiny waits for no man.
And when your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you
that you’re not ready for it,
listen instead to that lone voice of descent,
that one voice that says:
“you are ready”
“you are prepared.”
It’s all up to you now!”

So Rise and Shine.

星期六, 10月 18, 2014

「Runner's World訓練指南,第4頁之1」-像運動員般的進食

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1. 不要空肚子跑步





2. 養成喝水的習慣



(譯註:原文用美國的單位來表示。換算成公制,每天喝水量就是:(體重 * 31.19) ml。舉例來說,體重50公斤的人,一天須喝下 50 * 31.19 = 1559。25 ml = 1.56 公升的水。)



3. 維持健全的平衡





4. 寫飲食日記





5. 減少垃圾食物



星期三, 10月 15, 2014

「Runner's World馬拉松訓練指南,第3頁之2」-訓練,不要”硬筋“

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「Runner's World訓練指南,第3頁之2」-訓練,不要”硬筋“




1. 不要補跑



2. 恢復,恢復,恢復



3. 完成長跑



4. 經常RICE

當你的肌肉或關節感到疼痛,沒有什麼會比休息(Rest), 冰敷 (Ice), 壓縮 (Compression), 和抬高 (Elevation)更好的立即治療。這些做法可以減輕疼痛,消腫,保護受損的組織,最後都能加速痊癒。問題是太多的跑者只專注冰敷(I)的部分,而忽略其他三個做法。冰敷雖然可以減少灼熱感,但是冰敷後繼續跑,而不給組織足夠的時間修復,有點像節食到晚上6點,然後開始狂吃。


5. 保持彈性

也許有些天你會睡過頭而錯過晨跑,或者長跑日的氣溫30幾度。放心地調整你的跑步。絕對不要硬操 -像是連續兩天跑LSD

「Runner's World馬拉松訓練指南,第3頁之1」-5種讓你的LSD長跑得到最佳結果

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「Runner's World訓練指南,第3頁-1」-5種讓你的LSD長跑得到最佳結果


1. 模擬比賽的情境



2. 結伴練習



3. 專注在距離



4. 打開音樂



5. 正確的恢復


「Runner's World馬拉松訓練指南,第1頁」-你和26.2英里,馬拉松訓練的6個原則


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覺得Runner's World這個訓練指南,寫得真不錯。小弟就斗膽先翻譯第一頁的“總論”,和大家分享。有錯誤之處,還請大家多多包涵。




1. 慢慢的增量


2. 升級你的鞋子


3. 長時間的跑


4. 練習邊跑邊吃


5. 聆聽你的身體


6. 妥善飲食
